Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Stop trying to figure out where you're going, and enjoy where you're at.

This weekend I was finishing unpacking a few boxes. Oh I moved 3 months ago? Yeah well it happens. I stumbled across a box full of school stuff from college as well as my backpack that was full of binders from college classes. Man did it take me back and man did it ever make me miss college. The classes, the friends, the easiness of life, all of it.

So I have a degree in Communications and I loved it. I loved writing papers and giving speeches and not having to take many exams. I loved the professors. College taught me a lot, not necessarily about history or math but taught me about life and how to be an adult and how to function in this crazy thing we call life.

My senior year of college, which was roughly four years ago, I took a class called CST 460, Ethnography. It was a really cool class. We spent the whole semester writing the story of our life. Yes the whole semester. It was a lot of fun and really eye opening. I learned how stories are so much better when you show rather than tell. I remembered so many memories and fun times from my childhood. I found the story of my life this weekend when I was cleaning some things out and I sat and read through it. I was impressed at how well my writing was. I was impressed with the grade I received on the project. I was inspired by my professors words that he had given as feedback (I made sure he knew it via Facebook. He is a really super guy!) I was shocked at how much had changed just in those tiny four years since I wrote this. I am married to someone I didn't even know when I wrote this, that is insane. the things I thought I would be doing right now, I haven't done any of them. That was a bit of a downer. I want to do really big things, I want to make a difference in people's lives and I don't think I am doing it where I am now. But God has big plans for my life, and that is one thing I am certain of. I think I will do another post on Thursday about where I am currently (mostly work related) and where I would ultimately like to be one day. 
I am really big on quotes, every chapter in the story of my life was named after a quote. And this quote from the TV show Scrubs was the center of my story. And although so much of what I wrote is different now, this quote remains the same. I need to stop trying to figure out where I am going and enjoy where I am at (for it is truly a great place).

"I don't usually like thinking about the future. I mean, let's face it, you can't predict what's going to happen. But sometimes, the thing you didn't expect is what you really wanted after all. Maybe the best thing to do is just stop trying to figure out where you're going, and enjoy where you're at.”

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